Any questions? The answers are here

What is "Mobile safety"?
"Mobile safety" is a service that allows you to see your loved ones on a map, receive notifications about their movements, and protect your smartphone through the mobile application. The service allows you to remotely control your phone and helps you return it in case of loss or theft.
Service benefits
With the "Mobile safety" service, you can:
— always know where your loved ones are and receive notifications about their movements;
— remotely control your smartphone in case of loss (view location, turn on the sound signal);
— receive your lost smartphone by courier, we take care of communication with the person who found it;
— receive notifications of air alerts in your area;
— make sure that your data is safe thanks to the personal data protection function.
How to activate the service?
To activate the service, you can choose one of the following convenient ways:
• download the "Mobile safety" application from Google Play or the App Store, log in with your phone number and select a package;
• send the package code by SMS to 6911 (toll-free);

Select the code that corresponds to the package you want. It should be sent via SMS to 6911 (toll-free):
What is the Family tracker?
Family tracker is a function that allows you to protect your relatives and be sure of their safety.

It allows you to:
— view the location of a person or smartphone in real time;
— create different circles of users. For example: "Children", "Parents", etc.
— customize individual locations on the map that are relevant to each of the circles. For example, for the "Children" circle: school, home, sports section; for the "Parents" circle: pharmacy, market, etc.
— create "dangerous" zones on the map. For example, for the "Children" circle: a lake, an unfinished building; for the "Parents" circle: a hospital, etc.
— receive notifications if the user enters or leaves the created zone;
— manage access levels for different categories of participants.
What are the security features?
Security features are a set of actions that allow you to remotely control your device and help you get it back if it is lost or stolen.

The following functions are available for use:
— remote phone lock;
— turning on the sound signal;
— remote photo of the intruder;
— determination of the phone's geolocation;
— protection of personal data.

For IOS users, the “remote photo of an intruder” feature does not work due to Apple's policy. Also, the “remote phone lock” feature is performed via iCloud.
Is it possible to use one account on different devices?

For the application to work correctly, you must use only one account on one device: this is how your location can be properly tracked in the family tracker. It is also necessary to remotely control your phone through your account in your Personal account.

However, in order to use the security features, in case of loss of your smartphone, you can log in to your personal account from any device convenient for you (you will need to enter your login and password).
What is an ID number and where I can view it?
An ID number is a unique identifier that allows you to return a lost phone without disclosing personal data. You can view the ID number on the screen of the locked device or in the user's personal account.
How to contact the support service?
To contact the "Mobile safety" support service, please call: +38 067 690 6911 (toll-free for Kyivstar users) or send an e-mail to:
Service area
The service is available in all parts of the world, except for the temporarily occupied and uncontrolled territories of Ukraine.
I found the phone, what should I do?
Contact the "Mobile safety" support service by phone: +38 067 690 6911 (toll-free for Kyivstar users) or send an e-mail to and report the find.
What kind of reward will receive the person who found and returned the phone?
The reward is provided by RADARME, so you don't have to worry about being thankful. For the return of a lost phone with a connected service, we offer three types of reward to choose from:
— money transfer to a card or via mail in the amount of UAH 1500;
— UAH 1500 to your mobile account;
— activation of the "Protection+" package for free for 12 months.

The person who found the phone can refuse the reward in favor of a contribution for charity. In this case, RADARME undertakes to transfer the funds to a specific charitable organization.
For which smartphone model is the service available?
The service is available for activation on devices running Android (8 and above) and iOS (15 and above).
How do I cancel the subscription?
To cancel the service, it is enough to send an SMS message with the text "Stop" to the number 6911 from the number to which the service is connected.
Sound signal
If your phone is misplaced nearby, you can try to find it using the "Sound signal" feature.

For this you need:
— log in to your Personal account;
— activate the function by tapping the button;

After that, you will hear a Sound signal from your smartphone where the "Mobile safety" application is installed, it will be played at maximum volume. You can turn it off in the same way: through your Personal account.
Phone geolocation
You can get information about the location of your Android/iOS phone in real time.

To do this, you need to send a request to determine the location of your smartphone in your personal account. For the function to work correctly, geolocation must be enabled on your device. Otherwise, data may not be transmitted correctly.
What are the security features?
Security features are a set of actions that allow you to remotely control your device and help you get it back if it is lost or stolen.

The following functions are available for use:
— remote phone lock;
— turning on the sound signal;
— remote photo of the intruder;
— determination of the phone's geolocation;
— protection of personal data.

For IOS users, the “remote photo of an intruder” feature does not work due to Apple's policy. Also, the “remote phone lock” feature is performed via iCloud.
What should I do if I lose my smartphone?
If you lose your smartphone, do the following steps:
— use the geolocation function, if the phone is nearby, activate the sound signal;
— block the phone in your Personal account;
— contact the support service and report the loss of the device.

Thanks to the "Mobile safety" feature, your device is more likely to be found. The information on the phone lock screen will help you to do this: contacts of our support team, the promise of a monetary reward to the person who found your device (we give the money). Also, your personal data will be safe, and we will take care of the successful delivery to your hands by our courier.

The Mobile safety feature gives you the opportunity to receive compensation according to your plan if you do not find your smartphone within 14 days.
Can anyone locate me without my knowledge?

If you want your location to be visible to others, you need to give your permission. To do this, you need to join the group of participants by following the link in the invitation.
How can I stop sharing my location?
To stop others from viewing your location, you need to turn off geolocation permission: in this case, your location information will not be updated.

If you don't want your location to be visible in a circle, you should leave it.
Is the movement of participants displayed in real-time?

The movement of participants is displayed in real time on the map in the "Mobile safety" application. For the function to work correctly, the Internet must be enabled on the device, access to geolocation and the application must be running in the background. If the participant's geolocation stops updating, check the Internet connection.
I have a link to an invitation from a friend/family member — what should I do with it?
The invitation allows you to join a circle of participants to track each other's locations. Once you tap on the link, you can view the list of circle members and decide whether to join.
What is a Place?
In the "Mobile safety" app, you can create your own "places". This is useful for knowing the location of your loved ones and whether they have reached or left their destination on time.

You can also mark certain places as safe and unsafe. You will receive a notification if someone is in a dangerous environment, and you can help them immediately.
What are the types of places?
The user can create a safe and an unsafe place. On the map, a safe place is marked in green, and a dangerous place is marked in red.

Notifications about movements are sent to the "Mobile safety" app and to the notification panel on the mobile device.
How can I create a place?
To create a place, you need to go to the places' menu. There you need to tap a plus and "Create a new place".

The next step is to:
— specify the radius of the place;
— give it a name;
— indicate whether it is a safe or unsafe zone;
— set up notifications: select people whose movements you want to know about in this zone.
How can I edit a place?
To edit a place, you need to go to the menu with places and tap on the name of the one you want to change. There you can change the radius, name, and type of location (safe/unsafe) and set up notifications.
How can I delete a place?
To delete a place, go to the menu with places and tap on the name of the one you want to delete. Then select edit and tap on the 3 dots in the upper right corner. There you will find the option to delete a place.
What kind of notifications can I receive?
The user can receive notifications about:
— a participant joining the group;
— a participant who has left the group;
— a participant who has entered the place;
— a participant who left the place;
— creating a place;
— deleting a place.
How do I enable or disable notifications for a specific place?
In the place settings, you can change the notification settings for each member of the group.

To do this:
— go to the menu with places;
— tap on the desired name of the place;
— tap "Edit";
— customize notifications using the sliders.
How does the "Air alert map" work?
With air alert and warfare maps, you will be notified when different types of threats start or end in your area. You will receive a notification with a sound when the alarm starts and stops on your mobile phone.
What are the types of alarms?
The "Mobile safety" app will notify you of the start or end of air, chemical, and radiation threats, as well as the start or end of street fighting and artillery shelling. Each area where an alert is issued changes its color on the map in the app.

Here are the colors and what they stand for:
Yellow color — radiation threat;
Green color — chemical threat;
Brown color — combat operations;
Red color — air raid alert.
How can I set up alarms?
To start getting alarm notifications, you need to:
— log in to the "Mobile safety" app;
— tap on the "Map types" icon in the lower right corner of the map;
— use the switch to activate the “Air alert map” and "Military operations map" functions.

For the function to work correctly, you must allow the "Mobile safety" app to track the location of the device with the "Always allow" setting. If you do not want to receive alarm notifications, you need to go back to the "Map types" and turn off the switch.
Truthfulness of information
When we report the start or end of alarms, we rely on data from the official source:
How does the "Air quality map" work?
With the "Air quality map" function, you can view the Air Quality Index (AQI) anywhere in the world and understand what it means.

As you explore the map, you will see markers with air quality indicators. As you zoom out of the map, the markers are grouped together and show the average index within certain regions. When you zoom in, the markers are ungrouped and show the level of air quality in more detail.

Tapping on a marker opens additional information that shows the AQI level, wind speed, air temperature, air humidity, PM 2.5, PM 10, or OZ.

Air Quality Index (AQI) categories and their impact on human health:
Green (0 – 50) — Good: minimal effect;
Yellow (51 – 100) — Moderate: may cause minor respiratory discomfort to sensitive people;
Orange (101 – 200) — Unhealthy for sensitive groups: may cause breathing discomfort in people with lung diseases such as asthma, as well as people with heart disease, children and the elderly;
Red (201 – 300) — Unhealthy: may cause breathing discomfort with prolonged exposure, as well as discomfort in people with heart disease;
Purple (301 – 400) — Very unhealthy: may cause respiratory problems in people with prolonged exposure. The effect may be more pronounced in people with lung and heart disease;
Burgundy (401 – 500) — Hazardous: can affect even healthy people and cause serious health effects in people with lung or heart disease. Negative effects can occur even during light physical activity.

* AQI — a value used to display the level of air pollution.
** PM 2.5 — a value that indicates the level of particles of substances with a diameter of 2.5 microns and less in the air.
*** PM 10 — a value that indicates the level of particles of substances with a diameter of 2.5 microns to 10 microns in the air.
**** OZ — a value that indicates the level of ozone air pollution.
How to set up the map?
To view the air quality level, you need to:
— enter the "Mobile safety" application;
— tap on the "Map types" icon in the lower right corner of the map;
— activate the "Air quality map" function with the switch.

For the function to work correctly, the "Mobile safety" application must be set to "Always allow" to determine the location of the device. If you want to remove the markers with information about the air quality level, you need to go back to the "Map types" and turn off the switch.
The markers on the map take a long time to load
When you zoom in or out of the map, we group or ungroup the markers to make it easier to view the air quality at a specific location. This process does not happen immediately, but it is enough not to zoom the map for a few seconds, after which the marker with the relevant information will appear and be active for viewing.
Not all air quality indicators are displayed
We receive information about air quality indicators from different measurement stations. Each of them transmits a certain set of indicators that are displayed when you tap on the marker. However, not all stations collect data on PM 2.5, PM 10, or OC, humidity, temperature, etc. That is why one of the markers can display values for all indicators, and the other — only part of them.
Is air quality information available only for Ukraine?
We display information from all over the world. So you can check the air quality data wherever you are. You can also plan your trip based on the app to avoid all polluted areas.
Truthfulness of information
We take information about the level of air quality (AQI) from the sources and
What is a Circle?
A Circle is a group of people who can monitor each other's location and receive notifications about their movements. Each user of the service can create several circles with their own names and add members, or join an existing circle.
How can I create a circle?
To create a circle, tap "Create a circle" in the Family tracker, come up with a name for it, and invite your family members to join it.
How can I delete a circle?
The administrator, i.e. the person who created the circle, can delete it. To do this, select the circle to be deleted, go to its settings, and tap "Delete circle".
How can I invite a participant to the circle?
To add your loved ones to the circle and see their movements, you need to send an invitation with a link from the "Mobile safety" mobile application. You can do this by opening the settings of the selected circle, tapping "Invite" and sharing the invitation via messenger (Viber, WhatsApp, etc.)
How can I join the circle?
To join the circle, you need to follow an invitation. The invitation allows you to become a member of the circle and track each other's locations on the map. After you follow the link, you can view the list of circle participants and decide whether to join them.
How to switch between circles?
The user can be a member of several circles at the same time. To switch from one circle to another, you need to open the menu with the list of circles (in the middle, at the top of the map) and select the necessary circle.
What can a circle administrator do?
The administrator, that is, the person who created the circle, has the ability to manage it:
— change the name of the circle;
— invite new members;
— change the role of a member;
— leave the circle, previously giving the administrator rights to another member.
What are the roles of the participants, and what are their options?
The administrator can:
— see all places;
— create new places and manage all existing ones (mark them as safe/unsafe, edit the address, rename them);
— see notifications;
— assign roles to each participant (administrator, guest);
— invite and remove a participant from the circle;
— edit the name of the circle;
— delete a circle;
— leave the circle if there are other administrators in it.

A guest can:
— see all places;
— create and manage new places;
— see notifications;
— invite participants to the circle;
— leave the circle.
How can I change the role of a member?
Only the administrator of the group, i.e. the person who created it, can change the role of a participant. To perform this action, the administrator needs to open the member's profile by tapping on the "Profile" icon and select a role for the member.
What is the SOS Button?
The SOS button is a feature that allows you to alert others quickly and easily that you are in danger. After pressing the SOS button, up to 10 pre-selected contacts from your phonebook will receive an SMS with information that you are in danger, along with your current geolocation, which will be updated within 24 hours or, if you have no internet connection, with the last available geolocation.
How does the SOS Button work?
You select up to 10 contacts from your phone list. These contacts will receive an SMS message with an SOS signal.

When the SOS button is tapped, you generate an SMS message with information that you are in danger and a link to a map where people can view your location.

You need to tap the send button and SMS messages will be sent to the pre-selected contacts. The message with your location will be valid for 24 hours, and your geo-position will be updated regularly.

Sent SMS messages are charged according to your plan.
How do I set up the SOS Button?
For the SOS Button to work correctly, it is enough to give the application access to geolocation and select a list of contacts who will receive SMS messages when the SOS button is used.

To set geolocation, you need:
— go to mobile settings;
— find the "Mobile safety" application;
— open "Geolocation";
— change permission to "Always".

To add emergency contacts, you need:
— go to the "Mobile safety" application;
— find the "SOS" section;
— tap "Add contacts";
— select contacts from the list.
SOS Button does not work
Firstly, check your internet connection. Also check if you have given permission to geolocation. If not, see "How to set up SOS Button?".

If all of the above is working properly, then contact the support service at the number +38 067 69 06 911 (toll-free for Kyivstar users). We will be happy to help you.
What are Emergency contacts?
Emergency contacts are pre-selected mobile numbers of people you trust. If you tap the SOS button, they will receive a text message that you are in danger. Emergency contacts will have access to your location and will be able to help as soon as possible.
The most common causes of application malfunctions
Below are the main causes of application malfunctions. Check all settings and fix the causes below, as this will solve 99% of connection and data update problems.

Check the settings and perform troubleshooting steps on the phone of the person experiencing the problem.

Connection or location issues can occur for one of the following reasons:
— the phone is turned off or the battery charge is lower than 20%;
— the phone is in flight mode;
— the participant deleted the application;
— access to geodata for the "Mobile safety" application is disabled;
— the phone is located in an area where there is no or limited Internet connection;
— WiFi connection does not work properly;
— cellular operators do not always support the Internet during a phone call. In this case, our system will not be able to update your movements while you are talking on the phone.

If you have checked everything, but difficulties still remain, please, contact the support team by calling +38 067 690 6911 (toll-free for Kyivstar users). We will be happy to help you.
What phones is the service suitable for?
The service is available for connection on devices with Android (8 and above) and iOS (15 and above) operating systems.
I’ve got a new smartphone, how can I transfer the service?
In order to use the service on a new phone, it is enough to download the "Mobile safety" application on it and enter the number to which the service is connected. Data is synchronized automatically.
Geolocation settings for the tracker
For the correct operation of the Family tracker on Android, it is necessary to grant permission to determine geolocation during the installation of the application.

If you have not given permission at this stage:
— go to device settings;
— find all programs;
— select the "Mobile safety" application;
— tap on "Permissions";
— select "Location";
— tap "Allow in any mode".

For the correct operation of Family tracker on iOS, it is necessary to allow it to use geolocation when installing the application.

If you have not given permission at this stage:
— go to device settings;
— find all programs;
— select the "Mobile safety" application;
— select "Geolocation";
— turn on "Always allow" and activate "Precise geolocation" with the slider.
Member stopped updating location, what should I do?
Don't worry! There are several reasons why you might not be able to see a group member's location, which are easy to fix:
— the participant deleted the "Mobile safety" application;
— they turned off his phone or the battery ran out;— the participant has a poor connection to the Internet, or no connection at all;
— participant's phone in flight mode;
— the participant's phone is connected to VPN.

Also, each participant should check the geolocation settings on the Android device:
Phone settings — Applications — Mobile safety — Permissions — Location — Allow in any mode.

For phones with OC iOS, you need to go to the section:
Phone settings — Mobile security — Geolocation — Always allow and turn on accurate geolocation.

Another possible reason why you can't see another person's location is the low power mode on iOS. This mode reduces or disables background app updates that prevent "Mobile safety" from working. So it is worth turning off the low power mode so that the location is displayed correctly. Make sure each device has the latest version of the app downloaded and internet access is enabled.
How to view the history of performed actions?
Each user has the opportunity to view the history of performed actions. To do this, they need to enter the Personal account and select the "History" section.
Can I delete my activity history?

It is automatically saved in your Personal account.
How to uninstall the "Mobile safety" application from an Android device?
If you are unable to uninstall the "Mobile safety" app on your Android device, follow these steps:
— open phone settings;
— go to the "Security" section;
— tap "Device administrator";
— uncheck the box.

After that, you can uninstall the app as usual.
How to improve an inaccurate location?
First, make sure that all location services, including GPS and Internet access, are turned on each phone.

Important: Cellular operators do not always support the Internet during a phone call. In this case, our system will not be able to update your movements while you are talking on the phone.

Settings for the most accurate location determination:
— VPN will interfere with accuracy, so don't use it with "Mobile safety" app;
— "Physical activity" permissions must be enabled and "Allowed";
— "Exact location" must be enabled;
— if your phone runs out of battery or has been turned off, open the "Mobile safety" app again to update your account and location;
— parental control and safety programs may prevent the application from accessing your location when needed;
— applications that have not been opened for three days can go into "Sleep mode" on phones with the Android operating system. The "Mobile safety" app will not update the participant's location in "Sleep mode". Open the app every two days to prevent it from going to "Sleep mode";
— to set your location, you need to set the value to "Always allow location usage". Using the "While in use" option will not allow the application to work correctly and save the location correctly;
— the "Low power" mode must be turned off. It does not allow "Mobile safety" to update data in the background;
— you need to enable the background update of the application.
Is the service "Mobile safety" free?
The "Mobile safety" service is paid. However, you get 7 days of free use when you first activate.
Service cost
The cost of the service depends on the plan you choose. To activate the service, select the code for the package you need. You should send it by SMS to 6911 (toll-free):
How is payment for the service carried out?
Funds for payment are debited from the SIM card to which you connected the service. Payment is made according to the package you selected.
How can I change a package?
To change the package, select the package code that you want to use. It should be sent by SMS to 6911 (toll-free):
What is a Personal account, and what is it for?
Personal account is a place where you can control the protection of your phone. It is automatically generated for each user after activating the service.

In your personal account, you can:
— change or update your personal information;
— monitor the location of your phone on the map in real time;
— see the history of using the service, including sent and executed commands;
— recover your password;
— remotely manage your smartphone.

The "Family tracker" feature does not require a personal account. All settings and tracking take place in your smartphone.
How to reset the password?
To recover your password, you need to:
— go to the login page of the Personal account of the "Mobile safety" service;
— click on "Remind password";
— enter the email address you provided during registration
;— go to your Email box and open the letter from the "Mobile safety" service;
— follow the link in the email to recover your password;
— create a new password and save it.

If you have any difficulties with the recovery, please, contact the Support service at +38 067 690 6911 (toll-free for Kyivstar users). We will be happy to help you!
How can I change my personal data?
You can change or supplement your personal information in the personal account of the service or in the "Mobile safety" application.
What is an ID number, and where can I view it?
An ID number is a unique identifier that allows you to return a lost phone without disclosing personal data. You can view the ID number on the screen of a locked device or in the user's personal account.
How can I send a location request?
To send a location request:
— log in to your personal account:
— go to the "Device control" section and tap the "Geo" button;
— below, tap "Determine location".

Done! The location will be displayed on the map.
How can I view the location?
To view the location:
— log in to your personal account:
— go to the "Device control" section and tap the "Geo" button;
— the map will show the last location;
— below the map, you can see the history of movements with dates and coordinates.
The geolocation feature is not available
If you have difficulty running this command, make sure you have enabled the feature and that the Internet is working on your device.

If you checked all the requirements and the command is still unavailable, please contact the support team by calling +38 067 690 6911 (toll-free for Kyivstar users). We will be happy to help you.
How can I turn on the Sound signal?
To turn on the Sound signal:
— log in to your Personal account:
— go to the "Device control" section;
— tap the "Turn on the sound signal" button;
— wait for the notification that the signal is on.

Done! If your smartphone is nearby, you will hear it immediately.
How can I turn off the Sound signal?
To turn off the Sound signal:
— log in to your Personal account:
— go to the "Device control" section;
— click the "Mute the sound" button;
— wait for the notification that the signal is turned off.

Done! The signal will no longer scare others ;)
The sound signal function is not available
If you are having difficulties using the sound signal, make sure that you have enabled the function and that the Internet is working on your device.

If all the requirements are checked and the sound signal is still not working properly, please contact the Support service at +38 067 690 6911 (toll-free for Kyivstar users). We will be happy to help you.

Any more questions?

If you do not find the answer to your question in the FAQ section, you can always contact us
by email or by calling +38 067 690 6911.

Download and protect your loved ones